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Irish Medical Training Solutions

What We Do?

We are a company that is here to help people succeed. Since 2009 we have been helping people develop their skills. Our team specializes in helping you develop your skills and confidence and hopefully land that job you were after. A lot of our work is in guiding people towards their goals, as you can imagine it is through hard work and dedication that we hope to help you succeed.

Many of my clients have allowed me to give their contact details, and if you wish to contact them please let us know. This shows the confidence we have in our services. 

We will direct you to one of our experts in your chosen field to help you build a new future. Remember it's never too late to start.



Irish Medical Training Solutions brings strength and energy to all ages by sharing our expertise..


Irish Medical Training Solutions brings creativity and originality to everyone who wants to succeed by incorporating new skills and opportunities.


Donal Lonergan

Managing Director

Donal Lonergan started working as an apprentice block layer at 16 and worked as a mason in the construction industry till he was 31. He is an Advanced Paramedic with experience in teaching in universities, education training boards, and various management roles over the years and is the  managing director of Irish Medical Training Solutions. Donal believes that education is the key to  our ever-changing work environments. His gift is making complex subjects easy to understand and  fun to learn. As director of his education company, Donal is passionate about helping adults  return to education, adults that wish to upskill or change careers with the full support of his dedicated  team. Donal has over 30 year’s business experience and has been teaching for over 19 years. He  himself left school at 15 and understands how daunting it can be to come back to the classroom.  That’s why Donal owns his own training company to help those at all levels who wish to progress  through education and change their career. He has achieved much in his professional and personal life. Donal is married with  three children and a global educator with experience in countries like United States, Scotland , United Arab Emirates, Malta, Turkey, Philippines, and Ireland. He holds many clinical  and teaching qualifications from all over the world and is a leader in his industry.

Our Team

Our team are from a broad range of employment sectors. We have an HR manager, Doctor, Clinical Psychologist, Army Officer, Child Care Practitioner,

Advanced Paramedic and many more professionals on our team.

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